Shanker Singh Raghuvansi and Jaikishen Dayabhai Panchal revolutionize the Indian Hindi film music scene when they started giving music as Shankar Jaikishen from film Barsat with Hasrat Jaipuri and Shailendra as lyric writer in early fifties. They kept the melody in their compositions along with fast rhythm and grand orchestration. Most of the songs they composed are part of the Hindi film music history. Naushad had called them “Magician and not musician”. Such was the impact of their music that film after film became hit on sear good music.
In the clip, you can see how their electric fingers move on harmonium. Raj Kapoor played a very vital role in bringing this team together. Dattaram ji who himself was a great composer used to play dholak with the team and was assistant to Shankar Jaikishen. Their team had Sebastian D’souza as the arranger whose contribution was immense to the team.
Kindly see & pay your tributes to the team.
Courtesy: Shiv Shanker’s youtube channel