Omung Kumar’s ‘Bhoomi’ starring Sanjay Dutt is ready to hit theaters on 4th August 2017. With ‘Bhoomi’, fans and supporters of Sanjay Dutt will see him for the first time after his return to Bollywood. This revenge drama is made under the banner of Bhushan Kumar led T-Series and Sandeep Singh and Omung Kumar’s production house Legend Studios. Actor Sanjay Dutt says, “I am right now preparing for the role. It’s time for me to go into hibernation till I start the shoot early next year. Really looking forward to being back where I belong – in front of the camera.”
National Award-winning director Omung Kumar’s ‘Bhoomi’ not only marks the much-awaited comeback of everyone’s favorite Sanjay Dutt but is also supported with a strong storyline, something that will portray Sanjay Dutt in a never-seen avatar.
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The film essentially is an emotional- revenge drama, that revolves around the relationship between a father and daughter. Director Omung Kumar adds, “As a director, it is going to be a challenge given that we have a tight schedule, but that’s what excites me about filmmaking. I think deadlines work for my creative instinct.” Producer Bhushan Kumar says, “T-Series is proud to be backing Sanjay’s comeback film and we felt August 4th is a strong weekend to position the release.” Producer Sandeep Singh adds, “The brilliance of Sanjay as an actor and Omung as a director has got audiences excited. And as a producer, I want to ensure that we bring Sanjay back on the silver screen as soon as possible.”
‘Bhoomi’ will be the first of Legend Studios packed schedule of films to release on August 4th, 2017.
Banner: T-Series Films & Legend Studios
Producers: Bhushan Kumar, Sandeep Singh, and Omung Kumar
Director- Omung Kumar
Creative Director: Sandeep Singh
Director of photography- Artur Zurawski
Associate Producer: Zafar Mehdi and Manish Singh
Screenplay & Dialogues: Raaj Shaandilyaa
Production design: Vanita Omung Kumar